Do you have trouble sleeping?

Do you have trouble sleeping?

Do you have trouble falling asleep, sleeping through the night, or can only sleep for a few hours a night?

The right Cannabis could help you sleep! Smoke an Indica based Cannabis 30 minutes before bed and it will assist you in falling asleep. This is a type of “Couch Lock Pot” and there is no hang over in the morning!

Some high Cannabidiol or CBD and low THC varieties such as Northern Tonic ( or Hash Plant have excellent pain and sleep inducing qualities.

Check out this article from Leafly;

If you don’t smoke pot, it’s too strong or you want to ingest your medicine instead; then Capsules are the way to go. Caps have no taste, are easy to swallow and you get an exact dosage with each cap, unlike baking.

Vegetable Glycerin OO Caps

Recipe for Sleep Aid

This recipe produces 1 Litre of Sleep Medicine (approximately 1000 “00” caps) using;

  • 1 ounce of decarboxilized Cannabis, sugar leaves, vaporizer residue or production residuals
  • 1 Litre of Vegetable Glycerine (VG)
  • 1 Tbs powdered Lecthin

Place all ingredients into the Magical Butter Maker for a 4 hour cycle at 180*.

Strain the liquid through cheese cloth and squeeze till all of the liquids are removed.

Place the container in the fridge and cover over night. This can stay covered in the fridge for up to a year.

To make “00” Capsules use a Quick Cap Filler.

This is a manual process and takes time.

Tip: warm the VG liquid to room temperature for easier pouring. I can only make a couple of hundred caps in a sitting because of my back, so I keep the liquid in the fridge and cap them all over a couple of weeks.

This will produce almost 1000 “00” caps for $250. (cost of capsules, Vegetable Glycerine, Lecthin, Cannabis.)

For myself, (a 5 gram a day patient and long time smoker) 10 caps produce the effect required for sleep.

My sister is not a Cannabis smoker and she takes 1 cap every 2nd night for the same effect.

Our friend Art takes 1 cap every night to help him sleep. 

Very cost effective, non addictive and you get Quality Sleep every night!


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